
Dream Residue (2022) Dream Residue2022InstallationSize Variable Exhibited in MAVA “Mini Exhibition” 2022 | Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Conscious and unconscious, collective unconscious, dream work, free association, incubation, amplification… These terms are seemingly different to understand for the general public who do not have a background in psychoanalysis. The …

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Dancing with the Stones (2023) Dancing With the Stones2023Performance, photography 表演藝術、攝影Human, Clear Quartz Point, Clear Quartz Sphere, Wind人、白水晶柱、白水晶球、風43mins 43分鐘 被人理解。無法理解別人。無法與人類深交。還能算是人類嗎?如果石頭都有生命,那麼我和石頭有甚麼分別?在銅鑼灣鬧市中,與石頭起舞。 Incomprehensible.Un-understandable.Incapable of maintaining relationships.May I still be classified as human?If stones have life, what is the difference between me and stones?In the busiest area of ​​Causeway Bay, let’s dance with the stones.

Fragmentation 在記憶殘骸中升起的….. (2022-2023) Fragmentation 在記憶殘骸中升起的⋯⋯2022-2023Installation (Video, 6 Gypsum Sculptures with Aurora Calcite, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Gibbsite, Kyanite, Laser Quartz)Size variable 裝置(錄像、6個以極光方解石、白水晶、石榴石、三水鋁石、藍晶、激光柱水晶組成的石膏雕塑) Exhibited inHKBU AVA MA Graduation Show 2023 “Eccentric” | Academy of Visual Art, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong English poems edited by Ishan Tse ShatteredWith the lost memoriesStruggling in painThe fragmentsManifest the shedload of souls  …

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Raising From The Fragments of Memories…在記憶殘骸中升起的手(2022-2023) Raising From The Fragments of Memories… 在記憶殘骸中升起的手2022-2023Installation (Sculptures, poems, projection)Size Variable Exhibited inMAVA “Mini Exhibition” 2023 | Academy of Visual Art, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

The Drifting Folks (2023) In this “The Drifting Folks” exhibition, the artists Deville Dewil and Gardia Fiyero Manson made use of photography and dance improvisation to pinpoint the connections between Hong Kong folk religions, the city and people. The exhibition showcases things that are seemingly completely different in nature, tall buildings, historical old temples, as …

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Me, Myself and I (2021- ) Is being me different than being myself? Me, myself and I. Maybe we are different in nature. Me, Myself and I (Selected Works)2021-2023Self Portrait Photography

Hong Kong Folk Religions Project (2022-2023 ) The disappearance and the missing of knowledge of Hong Kong Folk Religions are believed to speed up in the coming centuries due to a variety of reasons, including losing attention to the younger generation, fast-growing of western new folk religious practices etc. Folk Religion in Hong Kong encompasses …

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May the Gentle Jötnar Soothe My Soul (2022- ) Photographed in Iceland. Channeled to the gentle Jötnar. Drew with intuition. It is a journey to purify my life, to cleanse my body, tor reforge my shattered heart, to soothe my soul. 冰島就像是巨人的沉眠之地。 巨人們賜予我強壯而溫柔的試煉:要在這躺旅程中,將肉體和靈魂潔淨。猶如在長久的沉眠下醒過來。 重新投入現世時,將成為新的人。 May the Gentle Jötnar Soothe My Soul (Selected Works)2022-2023Photography & Expressive …

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糧船天后 High Island Tin Hau (2022) 糧船灣天后宮歷史悠久,居民表示有400年之久。但真正起廟時間已無從稽考。從廟內文物古銅鐘上的銘文,可得知天后宮於清代乾隆六年(即1741年)已建成。天后宮於1996年被列為香港二級歷史建築,2010年11月10號改評為香港三級歷史建築。歷年來經過居民和信眾自發修葺,至今仍廟貌莊嚴。 天后娘娘是香港人最尊敬及熟悉的海洋女神,又稱媽祖。昔日香港水上運翰頻繁,靠水為生的人都希望得到天后的眷顧,於是紛紛建廟奉祀,所以全港有超過一百間大大小小的天后廟。香港對天后廟的稱謂,多為天后冠上地區名,以顯示其源流。因此本作以「糧船天后」點題,取於糧船灣天后宮。 The Tin Hau Temple in High Island has a long history. The local people say it was built at least 400 years ago. But it is impossible to check the actual time when the temple was built.From the inscriptions on the ancient bronze bells in the temple, …

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Sense of Belonging (2023) Sense of Belonging (Selected Works)2023Photography Sense of Belonging (Selected Works)2023Photography