Deville Colour

Deville Colour 為藝術家Deville Dewil的水彩設計品牌,喜歡隨心隨意的畫去紀念日常,偶爾寫寫文字記記夢。
Deville Colour is the watercolour illustrations & designs brand founded by the artist Deville Dewil. The watercolour artworks reflect the artist’s life with a realistic yet dreamy style as if illustrated Encyclopaedia records.
Meowchi Co.

Meowchi Co. 為藝術家Deville Dewil的「貓糍」IP角色品牌。
「貓糍」的商品創作包括一系列 鎖匙扣、貼紙、服裝、文具、紙品等等。
“Meowchi Co.”, founded by the artist Deville Dewil, illustrated the story of the original “Meowchi” IP characters.
Meowchi is always cute, lazy, and somehow tired of life. Meowchi is going to save the world with their overloaded cuteness and lead everyone to live lazily happily in this world.
Meowchi products include keychains, stickers, apparels, accessories, and more!